Thursday 24 April 2014

Getting ready - the countdown begins

April 24 - Wow - a month and 4 days until we leave.  Part of me is saying I'm fairly organized, and the other part of me is saying GET A MOVE ON - YOU HAVE A LOT TO DO!

Packing up - boxes everywhere!
I have the spreadsheet checklist.  I manage to check off one or two things a day.  But I seem to add three more things each day.  Two steps forward, one step back?  Whatever - I'm sure what seems critically important right now will be less so a month from now.

So what are we doing?  We've packed up most of our 'stuff'.  The kitchen is next.  Made lists of all our important documents, changed up our e-mails, arranged for cancellation of cell phones, internet, cable, house phone, arranged for medical appointments, booked vaccinations, looked at about 1483 travel blogs, talked to travel agents, booked a couple of flights, confused ourselves with all the options out there, booked coffee, dinner, walks, visits with all the friends & family we'll miss while we're away, did our income taxes, changed our mailing address, arranged for medical insurance,  downloaded too many travel apps (will we really need all those?), registered on vrbo and, AirBnB, booked a housesit in England for late June, arranged for a canal boat rental, contacted relatives we've never met to meet up while we're overseas . . .  and managed to get in our usual golf, gym, and daily tv watching.

View from my living room - going to miss this when we go!
Why are we doing this?  Why not?  Life is short.  We've lived in this tiny corner of Canada for most (Anne) or all (Glen) of our lives.  There's some learning and growing and adventuring out there to do.      Places to go, people to meet, things to do.  Time to get out there and find out what we're really all about.

I'm starting this blog to record the process and the events for the two of us.  If you care to join us on our travels via this page, welcome!  Leave a comment, a recommendation, an introduction . . . whatever.  Let's see what happens!