Friday 28 November 2014

Vancouver - reluctantly

August 14 - November 18
Being back in Vancouver was a bit weird - we had no ‘home’ of our own to go back to.  We sublet a friends place in East Vancouver near the PNE for the first month. I’ve never lived in that area, and found it to be a bit inconvenient for getting around. It was a small apartment, but given that we weren’t expecting to be there much, it seemed sufficient.  Until we found ourselves being there a LOT!  Nevertheless, it was good to have a place we could call ours while we settled in.

A lot of computer and telephone hours were logged at this little kitchen table. 
We found an opportunity to house/cat-sit out in Steveston on the dyke for 10 days - great location for walking, watching the fishboats and wildlife on the river.  The home was beautiful, and I was able to get a couple of good visits in with my dear friend Roberta who lives in the area.

Spotted this beauty several times along the Steveston dyke.

Sitting on the deck enjoying the early evening sun and watching the fish boats
on the river

Frodo - our reason for being in Steveston.  A great little cat with a very large

The remains of an old dock - lots of history in this part of town

MMMMM - fresh sockeye off the boat.  We had a few good dinners.

Fish boat seen from our deck.  

After that, we decided it would really be better to be in North Vancouver so we could travel easily to and from Horseshoe Bay.  We found a perfect little apartment on AirBnB at 12th and Moody.  The location was ideal for walking over to Lonsdale to the shops, the bus was close by and we were a 10 minute walk to Lions Gate Hospital to visit Glen’s dad while he was there briefly.  

Home in North Vancouver - perfect spot for a couple of months.

For those who have asked, Glen’s dad is fine.  He is back home and seems to be still going strong at 96 years of age.  All I will say about this particular episode in our lives is this:

Make sure you know who you want to make decisions for you should you become mentally incapacitated.  In BC, there are two legal documents you need - First is an Enduring Power of Attorney (make sure it’s enduring if you have any real estate) for all financial matters and second is a Representation Agreement for personal care decisions.  I don’t know what’s involved for other jurisdictions, but please check it out.  And make sure your parents and / or yourself have these in place, and that you’ve discussed them as a family BEFORE mental capacity becomes an issue.  Trust me - it may prevent a lot of unnecessary upheaval in a family.  The past few months could have been very different for us, and we probably would have been back on our trip much earlier had Glen’s parents known about the Representation Agreement.  Fortunately, they did set up a POA a few years ago.  It’s been a challenge, and not one I’d care to repeat.  Sadly, some relationships have been altered in a not-so-positive way, and on the flip side, some have been improved.  I just wish the bad bits were different.

So while we were dealing with lawyers, doctors, health care professionals, community health care nurses, banks and family . . . with a lot of waiting time in between all, we made the most of our time back home with family and friends:

Dinner out on Commercial Drive with the birthday boy and mom.

BBQ at Claudio and Deb's place - Glen's niece and her husband - had us
over for some family time. 

Aunt Marion, Jane the Sequel, Paula and me after a hike up Quarry Rock
in Deep Cove.  Time for a donut.  Jane was here from London, Ontario
and Paula was here from Germany.  Haven't seen their aunt in years.

Dinner with our friends Joyce and Rick at their home in Tsawassen.  We sure
miss these two when we're on the road.

Took the ferry to Bowen Island to visit Glen's brother Earl

Walked the Stanley Park seawall several times.  

Happy Hour at the Sylvia Hotel - always a gorgeous view of English Bay

Garden near my friend Olivia's place.  You can catch her in action this
December on Netflix - watch the new Marco Polo series.  So excited for her.

I was leaving Olivia's in the evening and caught this picture of ships in the distance
and a jogger on the seawall.

In the three months we were in town, Allie was only there a very few days.
This was taken on a night out for Steven's birthday

Bill, Glen and Earl having a visit with their dad. It's been awhile since
the three brothers have been seen together in the same room.  Nice!

A trip to Mount Douglas Provincial Park on Vancouver Island to visit our
friends Mike and Tina.  Another couple we really miss while we're away. This
isn't them.  Just a bunch of mushrooms we saw on our hike.

My dear pal (since grade 5 in Winnipeg!) KJP came for
a visit to Vancouver.  So her sister Shauna and I took her
to visit the laughing men.  A rather appropriate display
for the three of us.  

Fun birdhouses on Granville Island.  I would have these
in my backyard.  If I had a backyard.

If I'm in Vancouver, I play soccer with my Muthas.  Best team of women
anywhere.  Love them all.

A concrete plant on Granville Island.  I think it should be a rule that if you're
going to build big ugly cement things, then you should decorate them to make
them more pleasing for the people who have to look at them.  These are a great
start to my new rule.

Our friend Paul turned 60.  He got a nice new red guitar for his birthday.  He
celebrated by having a bunch of friends to a soundstage to jam with him.  I
was invited to play drums, but declined.  The music was better that way!  I just
sat back and enjoyed.

Thanksgiving with the family chez Scully.  Always a
good time and amazing food.

One of my magic spots is Whytecliff Park.  Never get tired of this view
of Howe Sound.

On a hike with Glen one day.  

The Muthas went out to watch the Canadian women's soccer team play the
Japanese women's soccer team.  We had fun with the noisemakers.

Hallowe'en at Pete and Sue's.  Another couple we miss
while we're away.  The witches brew was delicious.

I got to babysit this little guy who just happens to be my
adoptive grandson.  He likes me when his mom and dad
are there.  Not so much when they aren't.  :-)

We went out Kart racing with Steven one night at our
nephew's Kart track.  Loads of fun.  

The family lined up to race.  I came in 11/12.  Not bad for a beginner!

The Muthas having coffee after a
Sunday morning game. 

Wine with these lovely ladies is never dull!

For our non-Vancouver friends.  Horseshoe Bay, where we've spent many
a fine day.  

Finally - leaving for Barcelona.  Farewell to the sweet little house we've
called home for two months.

Lots of eye candy at the Vancouver airport.  See you in April!

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