Wednesday 28 May 2014

An embarrassment of riches

Where did that month go?!?   I think this may go down on record as my most social month ever!  As I look over my calendar of the past few weeks, I see a diary of dinners, lunches, coffees, walks, family parties, hikes, and weekends away, with the names of people who are most important in my life.  I'm reminded of a line in a book I read several years ago "my life is an embarrassment of riches" - definitely describes how I'm feeling right now.

I tried to remember to take pictures of everyone as we visited, and those and the associated memories will carry me through what will likely be some homesick times.  I don't plan to have many of those though - too much to do and see while we're away - ha!
New home for our 'things' - we'll be reunited next April

The movers came on Monday and took all our worldly possessions away for storage - we're left with
Bye bye car - we had some good times together!
a suitcase and a small backpack each.  Based on the contents of those bags, you can count on seeing pictures of us in sunny places only.  Optimism has won out!  We sold the cars and handed over the keys last Friday and Sunday.  Lucky us - friends of friends bought both vehicles, and both were generous enough to let us keep them almost until moving day.  Since then, we've been getting used to walking.  A lot.  I think this may be good for our waistlines.  I HOPE this will be good for our waistlines!

Tomorrow morning we rise early, catch the seabus, the skytrain and then the airplane - it will be a modern transportation kind of day!  We'll land at Gatwick airport early Friday morning, get the train to the Midlands, and pick up our canal boat on Saturday.

People have asked if we're excited  . . .  amazingly it doesn't feel real yet.  I think when I get on the plane it will hit me.  We did this!  Thought about it, took the leap of faith, and we're on our way to a year of who-knows-what?  Please stay in touch with us via Skype, e-mail, WhatsApp, Viber, FaceTime or whatever your fave application is.  Even a note here or on Facebook will help me feel like I'm still connected and in the loop!

Next up:  Canal Boating Adventures with Anne and Glen :-)
Love to all


  1. You're both so brave!! What an exciting year you will have with so many fabulous places to see and people to meet! Enjoy the start - England is so much fun!

  2. I'm so excitedly looking forward to reading this blog. Have a wonderful, wide-eyed, worldly time you two. Bon Voyage ~~~*

    Lisa K.

  3. I love adventures! Seriously. I love the "head out and go see, not knowing what it'll be" thrill. My adventures will be swingstages and crane buckets and travels to northern Manitoba and southern Saskatchewan. You two will be off across the seven seas! Wanna hear all about it, when and if you have a spare minute.

  4. I picked up your blog via Mary's weekly email. Any friend of Mary's is a friend of ours so if you pass via Dubai let us know. We have spare beds for wandering adventurers to rest in.

    1. Well, Dubai wasn't on the itinerary, but maybe it should be! Thank you generous Penny!

  5. Bravo Glen & Anne! I look forward to following your many vagabond adventures as you pursue the "Gypsy Rover" Road ahead.
