Saturday 7 June 2014

England Day 1

Well, here we are.  Arrived at London Gatwick around 10:30 am, cruised through customs in a way never experienced going to the USA (so fast!), picked up our bags, found the train, bought our tickets through to Stone and boarded within about 40 minutes.  

I’m going to say right now that the British rail system is amazing.  Comfortable, quick, roomy, efficient.  We got to Victoria Station - what a crazy busy place - SO MANY PEOPLE, so many escalators, so many tunnels!   But there was an abundance of helpful staff - we found our way onto the Tube line we needed immediately and cruised through to Euston Station.  Euston Station - a very odd custom takes place here.  Everyone stands around in this HUGE room staring at screens to see where their train will depart from.  No notice is given until 10 minutes before it leaves!  Consequently, there are a LOT of people standing around looking at a LOT of screens.  Small aside - if you wish to use the lavatory facilities while you wait, be prepared to pay! 
Euston Station - screens for all the different trains.
Keep an eye on yours to see where you leave
 from - then you have 10 minutes to get there!

I missed a bit of the countryside travelling from Euston Station to Stone - fell asleep several times despite my best efforts to stay on local time.  We arrived in Stone 2 hours later - a tiny little town in the Midlands - and walked from the train station into town.  Took about 3 minutes. 

Stone Train Station.  We're here!  The only ones 
who got off the train.
First thing we saw was a small pub advertising home-cooked food, so we figured we’d have an early dinner.  Ordered a pint, and asked for a menu . . . what?!?!  That’s an old sign on the side of the building - sorry - no food here!  So we walked a bit further into town - took another 3 minutes.  Found ourselves a place having Friday night fish and chips special which included an adult beverage of choice.  How very appropriate for our first night in England!   

We stayed for dinner, then called a cab to our B&B.  We met some new Aussie friends - Judy and Robert - went for a 20 minute walk, then returned to our room and fell sound asleep at 6:30 pm.  Woke up at 9:30, and it was light out so assumed we had slept through the night and almost got up when we realized the clock said PM.  Ha!  Finally fell asleep again and woke up at 6:30 am.

Stone Town Center

1 comment:

  1. what a great start to a great adventure! Trains planes and automobiles!
