Saturday 28 June 2014

Travelling Student-Style

The Peak District and Buxton in Derbyshire

We made a remarkable error when we set the GPS to take us from Yorkshire to the Peak District.  Thinking it would be better to avoid major motorways, thus avoiding large city centres, we set it for ‘no major roads’.  Well, guess what that does?  Takes you right through the middle of every city you need to get by in order to get where you’re going - pretty much the exact opposite of the lovely trip through the countryside and little towns that we had in mind.  

So the trip that should have taken 2 hours took us 4.  It also took most of our nerves.  We have had one or two close calls where we found ourselves turning into the wrong lane (that would be the correct lane in Canada!) or stuck in a lane in a roundabout that we didn’t want to be in.  Likely the best decision we made in renting a car was to pay extra for an automatic.  The combination of right-hand driving in the left lane, along with the gear shift at the left might have sent poor Glen to the moon.  

We made it to the rather charming town of Buxton, which is a college and spa town.  We’re staying in a student residence for the next 5 days. The price is right, and my previous experience at Malaspina College in Nanaimo in the dorms there was very good.  This one is right in the heart of town, so lots of shopping and sightseeing is right nearby.  The room is large and there is a large kitchen, 3 shared bathrooms (there are only 3 people here, so we each have our own), and 2 shared tv rooms.  We have a nice big desk and even a fireplace in our room. I think the building is a couple of hundred years old.  The downside of this place is that it doesn’t feel 100% clean.  I think they spend the summer refurbishing for the next semester of students.  But there’s a fair bit of cleanup needs to be done.  However, the kitchen is clean and so is our room.  AND we have internet access that is consistent - a first for the trip!  It’s nice to have room to roam around instead of being in a confined space.  The biggest downside is that we are on a fairly major town road, and so we are being lulled to sleep and awakened in the morning by the roar of traffic, instead of the more appealing chirping of the birds we enjoyed in the countryside.

View of the building our room was in - taken from atop the hill in the park
across the street.  It's the building in the background, and the doorway
was about the 3rd roof area from the left.  

Our College Dorm room in Buxton.  It's an old bank building - note
the fireplace.  It sits on top of the wall-to-wall carpet, so we didn't
put any wood in for a fire!

Too bad this picture is a bit dark - large desk, lots of shelves and cupboards
and beautiful big windows to look out from our room.

The community kitchen at the student digs in Buxton.  4 Fridges,
one microwave, two stovetops and two ovens, one washer, one dryer
and huge food cupboards.   Lots of dishes and cookware, and a big common
table for eating.  Huge windows over the sink and at the opposite wall from the door.

The hallway with multiple staircases, and doors leading
all over the place.

The "lounge".  Definitely student sofas - they need new ones!

Buxton is a pretty little town.  Our residence is across the street from a large public gardens area that has the River Wye running through it, beautiful walking trails and a miniature railway.  We look out over a building called the Crescent, which has been described as one of the finest examples of Georgian architecture in England.  It used to be a spa (there are hot springs here) for the wealthy people of England, but was left to fall into disrepair over the past few decades.  The town is now working on bringing the building back to its former glory - I’d love to come back and see the results in a couple of years.  

River Wye running past the pavilion and conservatory
in the park across the street.  The river is about 6" deep

River Wye in the park in Buxton City centre.

Odd ducks seen in the park in Buxton.  I've never seen any like this.
Hopefully someone can help me identify them?

Detailing on The Crescent
The Crescent - an old Georgian spa.  Unfortunately picture was taken
when there was a giant shadow on it.  The building is being restored
after being let go for many years.

Full view of The Crescent and the small building across from it.

We also enjoyed walking through the Devonshire Dome in Buxton.   It was built in the late 18th century as the Great Stables by the 5th Duke of Devonshire and housed up to 120 horses and provided accommodation for the servants accompanying visitors who were staying in the fancier Crescent.  It then became a hospital and is now a campus for Buxton University and Buxton College.  Apparently it’s the largest unsupported dome in Europe.  BUT . . .  the really cool thing about it is this.  You walk into the centre of the room  (which is marked by 4 squares in the floor).  If you talk to the person next to you inside this square, it sounds like your voices are echoing throughout the whole building - really loudly.  The interesting thing is that no-one outside the square hears you at all!  I guess it’s some weird science that I never studied.  Really fun to play with though.  The room is open to the public anytime, and there are shops and cafes around the outside edge, while students study below the large dome.  Really interesting - check it out if you’re in the area.

Under the Devonshire Dome.  Glen is headed to the centre of the room to hear the echoes.
There are shops around the lower outside edge, and classrooms on the second floor.  The
main area here is used for eating and studying.  

Glen standing inside the 'magic' square.

Selfie of us inside the square.  :-)

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