Sunday 15 June 2014

Two Countries - Divided by a Common Language!

Another one from last week . . .

I met a man today while I was operating one of the locks.  We got chatting about us travelling here, and I mentioned how it was so intriguing to me to hear all the different ways of describing things here versus at home.  He said “ah yes, two countries, divided by a common language”.  That cracked me up - but seemed ‘spot on’ as they say here.

So here are some of the things I’ve noted about England vs. Canada over the past week.  

Please - no dog fouling!  Ha!
Please clean up after your dog = No Dog Fouling

Plastic grocery bags = Carry Bags

Voice Mail = Answer Phone

Stay Behind the Yellow Line = Mind The Gap  (this seen at the train station)

Mind the Gap.  
Juice Pulp (in orange or grapefruit juice) = Juicy Bits   (love this one!)

Juicy Bits = Pulp
French Fries = Chips

Chips = Crisps

Bunwich = BAP

Not chips - crisps!
Highway = Motorway

Squirty Cream - whipped cream product from a can

Yield = Give Way
20 is plenty in a school zone.  Thank you.

Other things:

baked beans for breakfast - not a hash brown in sight

REALLY long phone numbers

“oh, it’s a LONG way to Newcastle - at least 25 minutes”!

Brick everywhere.  Seriously, I’m buying shares in a brick factory.

Dogs.  If you are going to have one, you must have at least 2, preferably 3.  All springer spaniel size or smaller please.

Land Rovers.  Everywhere.  Smaller than at home.  Really small cars that resemble nothing at home.  Everywhere.  

License plates are black on white for the front of the car, and black on yellow for the back of the car.  I guess so you can tell if a car is coming towards you or going away from you.

Glassed-in rooms at the back of the house.  Preferably round.  I’ve found out they are called conservatories.

Houses have names.  Please refer to them as cottages as much as possible.
Nice sign folks!

Kids and dogs welcome in the pub.

Pubs - everywhere.  

Unsolicited recommendations for pubs from just about anyone you talk to. 

Chimney decorations.  Especially ones that look like crowns.

Rock walls.

Stone bridges.

Chickens in the pub yard.

An Emergency Ambulance.  There are other kinds?
Brick houses.  Brick houses.  Brick houses. And brick buildings.  And brick churches.  And brick driveways.

Clothing that is NOT name branded.

Polite Notice
Chalk advertising for the pub on the side of the bridge.  It says Pub.  With an arrow.  Ummmmm, invest in a sign???
I always thought they were called peanuts.
Monkey nuts?????  Who came up with that one?

And last but not least.  BEST sausage roll EVER in a little town called Milton.  We
Town Hall in Macclesfield.  The Mayor has a parlour.
stopped there because it’s Glen’s middle name. Sausage, tomato, herbs, puff pastry, about 8” long.   I need to go back
So is this a brothel or a ladies wear store?
for another one.  It was at the butcher/baker shop.  That little shop was probably about 10’ x 10’ and had four of
Typical name plate on a house . . . errr, cottage.
the most wonderful staff working it.  Holy smokes can they bake!  That’s all.
Oh, wouldn't the BC government hate this?


  1. How delightful!
    I wonder what Anne is doing today for her birthday. Probably some kind of new adventure!
    Hope you have a wonderful time! Happy Smartie Day, Banana!

    1. I went to Skipton Castle and pretended to be Queen Anne for a day. More on that later. Couldn't find any smarties to celebrate with, so I settled for shortbread cookies. Which were almost as good :-)

  2. Some Phun reflections on phonics and phrases of our common the quips on the pics!

  3. Thanks for sharing your exciting adventures, Anne! Fun to see England through your observant eyes!
    - Cynthia (aka Kathy's sister Cindy)

    1. Glad you're enjoying it Cindy (I know who you are!!!) I'm having a great time here. Today I found a few more treasures to post about - stay tuned.
