Saturday 13 December 2014

Alcazaba Castle

Malaga - the Alcazaba Castle.  Nov. 30

Signs all made out of tile here.

Well, it’s Sunday so the admission is free to the Alcazaba castle after 2 pm.  Seemed like a good deal to us, so off we went.  Because we had visited the upper barracks area the week before, we weren’t expecting too much different.  But this place is very special.  It really gives an insight into how the upper classes lived 1000 years ago in this area.  It’s been restored and kept up beautifully, and would have been worth the very cheap 2 euro admission if we had paid.  As many pictures as are here, I probably have at least that many again!

Entrance - note the beautiful driveway

Looking down into a town square from Alcazaba Castle

Doorway - clearly not Glen-size!

Bits and pieces of old Roman columns are scattered around

Beautiful wall

Fountain inside a little hidey-hole

Courtyard inside the castle area

See the little trenches?  It's how water is delivered around
to different areas of the castle to fountains, baths etc.

There are a number of these beautiful little fountains
spread throughout the castle

Ground and trench detail

Marble bathtub!

Old coat of arms

Love this little fountain and the vines in the background

You can see way out to sea . . . and to the Malaga port area
from various viewpoints in the castle.

Lots of these beautiful archways

Ceiling details

Pretty courtyard

An interesting bath area.  The circle in the foreground is
a fountain that feeds the little bath.  At the other end where
the person is standing is a mirror image of this.

In front of the castle is an excavated Roman theatre.  This is all within a 5 minute walk of our apartment.  We’ve been so lucky that we found a place in such a perfect location.  When I’m looking for places on AirBnB, I never really know if an area is going to be good or not.  So far, we’ve done pretty well!

Loved seeing the old pottery that's been pieced back together


That must have been a fun puzzle - first find all the
pieces, then put them all back together!

Love the designs on this.

Beautiful decoration

Decorated column top

Sit down and relax awhile

Pretty fountain and coats of arms near the entrance

Roman theatre.  You can see one of the stage entrances at the left - looks
like the top of a tunnel.  There are a lot of wild cats living in here.

Roman column

Old pedestal

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